Leaders of Institutes and other Divisions

Institute for Single Crystals

Address: Nauky ave. 60, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61158 Fax: (057) 340-93-43.

Pritula Igor
Academician of NASU, Doctor of Science
+38 (057) 340-22-30; 341-04-52;
Deputy Director
Prof. Tolmachev Olexander
Corresponding member, Doctor of Science
Tel.: (057) 340-42-58, 341-02-89
Academic Secretary
Kulik Kostyantin
Тел.: (057) 341-01-39
Deputy Director of Foreign-Economic Activity
Lemishenko Iryna
Tel.: (057) 340-86-19
Deputy Director of General Activity
Vereschak Olexander
+38 (057) 341-01-27

Institute for Scintillation Materials

Address: Nauky ave. 60, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61158 Fax: (057) 340-44-74.

Prof. Grynyov Borys
Academician, Doctor of Science
Tel.: (057) 340-94-72, 341-01-50
Science Deputy Director
Boyarintsev Andrey
Doctor of Science
Tel.: (057)341-03-90
Science Deputy Director
Sorokin Olexander
Corresponding member of NASU, Doctor of Science
Tel.: (057) 341-04-96
Academic Secretary
Datsko Yuriy
Tel.: (057) 341-03-09

Institute of Functional Materials Chemistry

Address: Nauky ave. 60, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61158 Fax: (057) 340-44-74.

Prof. Valentyn Chebanov
Corresponding member of NASU, Doctor of Science
Tel.: +38 (057) 702-63-30, 341-01-91
Science Deputy Director
Kulyk Olesia
Tel.: (057) 341-02-54; 340-12-02
Academic Secretary
Shcherbakov Ilias
Tel.: (057) 341-03-21

Research Institute of Microdevices

Address: Pivnichno-Syretska st. 3, Kyiv, Ukraine 04136 Fax: (044) 434-86-00.

Bukreev Serhiy
Tel.: (044) 434-87-27
Deputy director
Zhora Volodymyr
Tel.: (044) 449-92-79

State Enterprise "Plant for Chemical Reagents"

Address: Nauky ave. 25, Kharkiv, Ukraine 61001 Fax: (057) 719-46-07.

Vinnichenko Taras
Tel.: (057) 702-62-51, 341-05-35
Deputy director
Kurenkov Sergij
Tel.: (057) 702-63-29